Friday, July 27, 2018

Production Planning Cycle

The Production Planning and Control comprise of 2 evident procedures of Planning and Execution.

Production Planning Process

Production Planning Process


Production is by and large done from budgeted sales plan. Planning depends on the Sales intend to meet the business necessities according to the production process durations. Interest for the Product is entered through request administration as planned independent requirement(PIR). This information from interest administration turns into the contribution to Material requirement planning (MRP). MRP checks for the accessibility of different raw materials utilized for creation at various stages utilizing the master data, for example, Bill of material (BOM) and accessible current plant stocks.

In the event of material deficiency, Purchase demands are made for materials which are remotely secured, and arranged orders are made for in-house delivered materials.

These buy demands and planned orders start the Procurement Cycle and the Execution Cycle of Production respectively.

As MRP works with unending limits, limit leveling must be done so as to keep in order to avoid any limit bottlenecks.


These Planned orders are changed over to Production orders, and are booked according to the production timings utilizing master data, for example, routings.

Production Orders are discharged by the Production Supervisor on the shop floor, and material accessibility checks can likewise be completed to check if there are any missing parts.

Production is done in light of the exercises kept up in the Routing where the master data like Work Center is said against every task in the Routing.

Once the production is finished, the Confirmations of requests are executed, and merchandise development for material utilizations and products receipt are posted against the Order. Thus, the Order gets the Delivered (DLV) status, and the material is gotten into wanted capacity area.

For the most part at the month end before doing order settlement, production order should be set to in fact finished status so as to ascertain generation differences by the controlling work force.

Demand Management

The function of Demand Management is to gauge necessity amounts and conveyance dates for completed products and essential congregations. Demand Management utilizes PIR (Planned Independent Requirements) and client necessities.

Planning methodologies must be characterized for a product. It speaks to the strategies of production for planning and assembling. There are two techniques by which we can do this.

Make to Stock:

Production of products without having deals orders, i.e., stock is delivered autonomously of orders.

Make to Order:

This methodology applies to the production of material for a particular individual sales request or detail.

Material Requirement Planning (MRP)

MRP decides any deficiencies and makes the suitable acquisition components. It does net necessity computation and create planned orders for in-house delivered materials and buy demand for raw materials.

It leads time booking and calculate production dates in planned orders.

It detonates the BOM and produces obtainment proposition at each BOM levels.

Capacity Planning and Leveling

Capacity planning is utilized to analyze the limit over-burdens at work center and move the requests to stay away from any limit bottlenecks.

Limit necessities are created by means of MRP on Work Center and since MRP works with endless limit and plans everything on work center without thinking about any limit limitations. It is required to level the limit at the work center.

Capacity can be leveled at each work center through planning table with a specific end goal to make limitation production plan.

Production Orders

The yield of MRP will be "Planned Orders", which should be changed over to production orders for promote execution of the procedure.

The Production Order is solidified receipt component, which isn't influenced by MRP run, not at all like Planned Orders.

Production Order is a report which indicates what material should be created and in what amount. It likewise contains the BOM segments and routing operation data to be performed at the work center.

Production Order is released for execution, and material accessibility looks at can be conveyed which decides whether there are any missing parts.

Production Order Confirmation

At the point when merchandise are produced physically at the shop floor, at that point production order must be affirmed.

Amid affirmation, segments materials can be expended consequently through back flush mechanism and Goods receipt of material can be performed naturally by means of operation Control key in Routing.

In any case, rather than auto products development, manual Goods Issue and receipt can be performed independently from affirmation.

Any fizzled merchandise development because of a deficiency of segment stock can be reprocessed physically.

Movement costs, for example, machine, work, and so forth will likewise be refreshed in the production order amid affirmation on an actual basis.

The request gets CNF (Confirmed) and DLV (Delivered) status after definite affirmation and last Goods receipt.

On the off chance that affirmation is posted wrongly, at that point we can drop the affirmation and post it again with correct data.

Production Order Close

After the production order is conveyed totally or we would prefer not to execute the request encourage then Order ought to be actually finished.

After Order gets TECO status, it gets erased from stock/necessity list and is never again considered in material requirement planning run. Every reliant reservation likewise get erased from the framework.

What is SAP PP Module

What is Production Planning? 

SAP Production Planning is one of the key modules in ERP and manages planning forms, for example, material arranging, capacity planning, execution of production order, bill of material and merchandise development. SAP PP module handles the master information required for Bill of Materials (BOMs) movement, work center and directing, and keeps it in a different part.

SAP PP is a vital module of SAP. It tracks and influences a record of the assembling to process streams, for instance, the planned and genuine expenses. Additionally, products developments from the conversion of raw material to semi-finished merchandise. 
• SAP PP submodules change according to industry compose like discrete production, repetitive production, or production enterprises. 

• Discrete production is an industry where deliver materials change with each part and expenses are computed according to requests and parcels. 

• In repetitive production, the item isn't changed for an extensive stretch of time. Production happens in all out amount and not as individual parts. 
• For the vast majority of the business composes, previously mentioned planning and execution submodules are regularly utilized. Prior to the production execution, numerous means are executed as a piece of the planning procedure: 

Material Requirement Planning (MRP) run (More subtle elements later in this instructional exercise). 

◦ Bill of material and routing master data is entered in an arranged request consequently with MRP run. 

◦ Planning amounts are kept up in the framework.

Organization Structure in SAP PP 

In any live Production Planning module, areas of assembling plants and capacity inside the plants, ought to be accessible in the system. 
Importance of Plant and capacity areas in Production Planning- 

• All Production master data is made at Plant level. 
• Planning practices are furthermore performed at Plant level. 
• Production Confirmation process and related merchandise development occur at plant and capacity area level.

Matser Data in SAP PP 

Master data is by and large static for any organization and is once in a while changed relying upon the prerequisite. There are 5 master data to be kept up in Production Planning module.


  1. Material Master 
  2. Bill of Material 
  3. Work Center 
  4. Routing 
  5. Production Version 

1. Material Master 

The material master contain data on every one of the materials that an organization secures, delivers, stores, and offers. It is a number remarkably recognizes a material master record, and subsequently a material. 

Materials with a similar essential characteristics are assembled together and allocated to a material sort, for example, completed, raw material, and so forth. 

It is utilized for the accompanying purposes: 

1. To buy materials
2. For Goods Movement postings, for example, merchandise issue or receipt in stock administration and furthermore for physical stock postings 
3. In invoice verification for posting invoices 
4. In sales and distribution for sales order satisfaction process 
5. In production planning and control for material prerequisites scheduling, planning, and production affirmation forms.

2. Bill of Material (BOM) 

A bill of material is an entire, formally organized rundown of the parts together with the amount required to deliver the product or assembly. 
BOM's are utilized as a part of material prerequisite planning and product costing. 
You can likewise make up to 99 elective BOMs for a solitary product. 
For Products having variations, you can make Super BOM, which has every single conceivable sort of parts used to manufacture distinctive kinds of variations, and the fitting segment is chosen in view of trademark picked in the business Order. 
For instance, Product Cycle can contain a wide range of edges (with various hues and sizes) and desired frame is chosen in production order based on color and size picked in the sales order.

3. Work Center 

A Work Center is a machine or group of machines where production activities are performed. Work centers are utilized as a part of assignment list activities (Routings). 
It contains the information for 

• Scheduling 
• Capacity 
• Costing 

4. Routing 

Routing is only a grouping of activity performed at the Work Center. It additionally determines the machine time, work time, and so on for the execution of activities. 
It is likewise utilized for scheduling of activities and utilized as a part of standard cost figuring of the product. 

5. Production Version

The production variant is a mix of BOM and Routing data for production. It is a linkage between BOM and Routing and decides the assembling procedure. 
There can be various production forms according to various assembling procedure to deliver the product.